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1:1 YBR Power Roll (Private Session With Dianne)


Step into my virtual office – Let’s get rolling!

Ready to jump right in? Get in touch + get on my calendar.

“I’m ready for my power roll!”




A private 1:1 YBR Power Roll is perfect if you say yes to any of the following…


  • You want personal 1:1 guidance to develop a personalized YBR routine?


  • You want to roll but have some things in your body that flare up or need precise attention and modifications to succeed.


  • You want to pick my brain on one specific thing going on in your body.


  • You’re a practitioner and need help with a client or ways to incorporate YBR into your busy practice?


Is it a resounding YES?

Then you need a 90 – Minute Power Roll


Your 90-minute Power Roll Includes:


  • Before our session, a brief onboarding call and intake form to discuss your personal goals.


  • A scheduled private 1:1 session over Zoom to devise routines for your specific rolling needs.


  • Your recording and transcript will be delivered after the session for you to keep. 


  • Two mini check in’s for your progress and feedback.


Step into my virtual office – Let’s get rolling!


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